In order to create this report, you will need to use your definitions for 2 goals:
HockeyStack is customisable in terms of how you define those goals and events, so it may vary depending on how you named them and defined them.
Next, you will need the URL of your pricing page (most likely: a URL that contains “pricing”).
Once you have them handy, go to a dashboard (or create one), and click on “+” to create a new report.
Next, choose the Table Report type.
Next, add Name to the report (1), choose the date range you want to use (2), and add Breakdown by “Page URL” (3).. This will allow you to see the data for the page URL within a specific timeframe.
Next, click on “Page URL” and click “Customize” - this will allow us to group pages by pricing and by non-pricing pages based on their URL.
Next, we will add 2 grouping definitions.
In this example, the pricing page is, so we group pages by containing that URL and not containing it.
Next, press “Save”.
Now, let’s add 2 columns, first for direct conversion rate - using Last Touch attribution, meaning that someone converted directly from that website (in our case, the pricing page). Following that, we will look at pipeline conversion rate - again, Last Touch attribution to stay consistent across the report, meaning that the page (pricing page) led to Deal/Opportunity.
In order to do so, add 2 new columns by clicking “+ Add Column”