<aside> 👉 Pre-requisite Reading:
The spreadsheet-based Sync Spend functionality can also be applied to spend that may not be connected to a website visit.
These types of costs are not tied to website visits, but are very important to track and include in ROI and CAC calculations.
To do so, we first want to determine UTM parameters for each of the cost line items that we want to sync.
As an example, if you wanted to sync Events, you might want to do something like below:
utm_source | utm_campaign | cost |
offline_events | saastr_2024 | $9327 |
offline_events | inbound_2024 | $10103 |
Or if you wanted to sync Tooling, you might want to do something like below:
utm_source | utm_medium | utm_campaign | cost |
marketing_tools | demand_gen_team | HockeyStack | $164271 |
marketing_tools | outbound_team | Outreach | $129742 |
In any case, before getting started, we recommend taking stock of all types of costs you might want to sync and determining a UTM structure that has set meanings for each UTM parameter. The recommended structure is as follows: