<aside> ❗ Read the below guide on defined properties before proceeding:

Defined Properties


Before this step, you organized all information needed for your channel definition like below:

Channel Name Tracking details
Paid Search — Google Ads - Website visit where utm_source = adwords

Now, we will translate this into a defined property called “Unified Channel”, which will have each of the above rows as mappings inside it.

Navigate to Definitions > Properties and click + on the top right.

Paid Search — Google Ads


Why are we selecting the Touchpoint Type = Website Session filter?

Because there are a lot of types of actions that may match the UTM Source and UTM Medium ruleset that we have for Google Ads. Namely:

Let’s say you have a linear attribution table that uses Unified Channel. Unified channel has only Google ads and LinkedIn ads defined, both without touchpoint type.

Let’s say you have a deal worth $100k from a company that had two website sessions, one from google, one from linkedin. The google session lasted 10 seconds and it’s someone who clicked on a brand ad and clicked everywhere on the website without reading. There are 90 actions in this session. The linkedin session is a proper icp visitor, who spent 15 minutes on the website reading two pages without clicking anywhere and submitted a demo form. There are 10 actions in this session.

In this case, since touchpoint type is not used, all 100 actions are considered “attribution touchpoints”. Linear attribution gives Google $90k credit while it gives LinkedIn $10k credit.

Consider the case where we set Touchpoint Type = Website Session — Each session includes 1 action. Linear gives both Google and LinkedIn $50k credit.