HockeyStack’s LinkedIn Account List Integration add-on pulls account-based ad impression and engagement data from LinkedIn Ads. You can use this data in your attribution reporting, segmentation, or when viewing a single account’s journey.

How It Works

HockeyStack can pull impression data daily by company & campaign to capture changes in impressions and engagement over time. If it detects a change in any of the metrics, it inserts a Goal related to that change.


Don’t be confused that it says “Changed”, this just means the impressions since the last time we pulled the data (ie yesterday). All 3 of these goals use the same action property and user property schema.

Action Properties:

Property Type Description
impression_change or ad_engagement_change Number The change in the relevant metric since the last pull

User Properties:

Property Type Description
company_id String The associated CRM company ID, if found.
linkedin_company_id String The company’s ID on LinkedIn
company_name String The company’s name
company_domain String The company’s website domain
company_number_of_employees String The range of employees the company has
company_industry String The industry the company is associated with on LinkedIn


LinkedIn only provides impression & engagement data if the metric is greater than 2 due to privacy. This might cause slight accuracy issues.