Lift Reports are a measure of an action’s or a property’s incremental impact on a conversion rate.

Example: the incremental impact of an ad click on a demo conversion.

“Incremental” means that the conversion wouldn’t have happened without the action. Of course, there is no real way to know that, as the human psyche is complex and unpredictable. But on a large enough audience, if we measured lift, we would be very close to real incrementality.

Let’s say we measure the conversion rate of website visits → demo conversions as 20% when there is an ad click before the website visit, and as 10% when there is no ad click before the website visit.

In this case, our lift is (20 - 10) / 10 = 1x.

Now, let’s say there were 100 ad clicks, with $1000 in spend. That means we got 20 demo conversions after ad clicks. Let’s say 1 of those turned into a Closed Won opportunity, with a value of $3k, so our ads are returning 3x ROAS.

If we increased the ad spend to $2000 and got 200 ad clicks in this scenario, assume we would generate $3k in additional revenue. If we didn’t increase the ad spend, and still got a similar amount of traffic from another source, the lift report predicts that we would generate only $1.5k in additional revenue with 15 demo conversions.

Now, if the lift was reduced to 0, the lift report predicts that it doesn’t matter that you spend the extra $1000 on your ads or get traffic from another channel; you will generate the same amount of revenue regardless.

Defining Lift Reports in HockeyStack

First let’s set our terminology:

If you select the Lift report type when creating a new report, you will be met with the following screen:

Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 09.39.36.png

Here, Model Cohorts is asking you to choose a way to create the cohort and the anti-Cohort.

You can choose a Goal (or multiple), a Property, or a Segment.

Data is asking you for the conversion rate the report should measure on both the cohort and the anti-cohort.

Best Practices

The marketing sequencing use case

Apart from the obvious use case of knowing where to invest your next piece of budget in, the lift report can also tell you where in the customer journey it’s best to introduce a certain touchpoint.

To do this, create a lift report for all stages of your buyer journey, for all possible touchpoints.

Let’s say your buyer journey is Website Visit → MQL → SQL → Closed Won. And let’s say we’re modeling blog pageviews as the cohort.

You would have a Visit → MQL lift report, an MQL → SQL lift report, and an SQL → Closed Won lift report.

If the Visit → MQL lift is positive, you would want to invest more in TOFU SEO and broad reach content ads to capture a high amount of eyeballs on your blogs very early on in the buying journey.

If the MQL → SQL lift is positive, you would want to invest more in BOFU SEO and ads, and email campaigns to capture high-intent eyeballs on your blogs.

And if the SQL → Closed Won lift is positive, you would want your sales reps to introduce blog posts during the sales cycle to increase win rates.