Hey there 👋

I’m Emir, Co-Founder & CMO @HockeyStack.

6 months ago, we started with 0 traffic, 0 DR, 0 authority, 0 blog posts.

In 6 months, we:

No backlink outreach, and 95%+ of the keywords are bottom of the funnel.

In this guide, I take you through the whole process. Short & concise.

Tech Stack We Used ⚙️

Hosting: WordPress

Optimization: Surfer

Analytics: HockeyStack

Lead identification: Leadfeeder

Cold email: Apollo

Content Ops: Notion, Asana, and Loom

<aside> ⚠️ Not everything will be applicable to all SaaS companies out there.


<aside> ❤️ Have a feedback? Have a question? Shoot me a DM on LinkedIn!


Content ⚡
