One of the best features of HockeyStack is its ability to drill deep down into your data. Filtering is a great way to achieve this.

With HockeyStack's and/or logic, you can find any type of segment you want.

With HockeyStack's and/or logic, you can find any type of segment you want.

You can filter your main dashboard, your user journeys, and your funnels. You can always add new filters and delete existing ones from the controllers at the end of each row. If you are done, you can click "Clear" and the filter will reset along with the data shown.

You can save this filter to use it later by clicking "Save as Segment". Segments are very similar to filters, and you can access them again from the first dropdown of any row you see in the filtering box.

HockeyStack offers three main categories of filters that you can use.


The filters in this category are "who have done" and "who have not done".

Selecting one of them will show you a second set of dropdowns where you can choose from your goals or the pages that HockeyStack tracked. This will give you the goals or the pages that your visitors have performed/visited. Of course, you can always negate it with a "who have not done".

The last dropdown is a date picker, where you can limit this action to be specifically done within this period.

<aside> ⛔ When you negate this category, for every option other than "enter site", it will give you the visitors who have not done this action still within the chosen period. For "enter site", it will mean all visitors who have not visited your site during this period.


User Properties

The filters in this category refer to the properties of the visitors themselves, and not their sessions.