
HockeyStack allows you to get a unified view of how your marketing and sales is performing at various levels of granularity. This can be done mainly by setting up your touchpoint hierarchy inside Defined Properties.

At HockeyStack, we see marketing like a Russian doll made up of three hierarchical levels:

  1. Channels
  2. Campaigns
  3. Assets

To help formulate questions that you can investigate in the first place, it helps to start from a macro level, then work your way down to a micro level. In other words, starting with channels and ending with assets.

As you go deeper, each stage creates its own set of questions you can investigate while also illuminating new questions the next level can answer.

In HockeyStack, you can set your touchpoint hierarchy within the Define Properties section to make this really easy.

But let’s define each level more specifically, starting with channels.

Channels vs. campaigns vs. assets


A channel is a specific medium or platform used to deliver a campaign and message.

Think of channels like the avenues through which your marketing messages get transmitted.

Channels include digital channels like Linkedin and email, traditional channels like direct mail or TV, and in-person channels like events or trade shows.

In HockeyStack, you can break down channels further by: